We worship on Sundays at 10:00 am, normally celebrating Word and Sacrament (Holy Communion) every Sunday. Check our home page and Facebook page for additional worship opportunities throughout the year.
Zion’s Sunday Worship service at 10am will be conducted in person as well as on Zoom. All Church events will use the same Zoom login information as found below.
Zoom Login: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4017201047
Meeting ID: 401 720 1047
Call in: 1-929-205-6099
“Jesus Christ is the living and abiding Word of God. By the power of the Spirit, this very Word of God, which is Jesus Christ, is read in the Scriptures, proclaimed in preaching, announced in the forgiveness of sins, eaten and drunk in the Holy Communion, and encountered in the bodily presence of the Christian community. By the power of the Spirit active in Holy Baptism, this Word washes a people to be Christ’s own Body in the world. We have called this gift of Word and Sacrament by the name “the means of grace.” The living heart of all these means is the presence of Jesus Christ through the power of the Spirit as the gift of the Father.”
(From the ELCA statement The Use of the Means of Grace, Principle 1)
Welcome to Worship! 
Every week, we gather around the Means of Grace. Christ comes to us in worship, and we respond with joy and thanksgiving – with music, song, prayer, and offerings. Our liturgy follows the ancient liturgical pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending set to music accessible to all people. Our worship traditions have been handed down through hundreds of generations of Christians, but are adapted to the mission and circumstances of our own place and time.
Come experience worship with us this week! Check our Worship & Music, Special Events, and Facebook pages for other seasonal worship opportunities, and read more about Lutheran worship here.
Welcome to the Lord’s Table!
At the table of our Lord Jesus Christ, God nourishes faith, forgives sin, and calls us to be witnesses to the Gospel. In the sacrament of Holy Communion, the crucified and risen Christ is truly present and gives himself to us. Our Lord invites all who are baptized to receive this sacrament, and in this church, we practice Eucharistic hospitality: all baptized Christians are welcomed to Communion when worshiping with us. (Adapted from the ELCA statement The Use of the Means of Grace)
Here at Zion, we commune by receiving the bread in our outstretched hands, and the wine by intinction – dipping the bread into the cup of wine. If you are unable to consume wheat bread, please speak to Pastor before worship about a gluten-free alternative. We typically use Communion Bread baked by our members.
Welcome Children!
We encourage children to participate in worship, and the more often our children are brought to worship, the more familiar and comfortable they will be with the worship life and traditions of the church.