Dear friend of ELCA World Hunger,
As 2015 comes to a close and we reflect back on our work this year, we are thankful for you and your faithful giving that makes this work possible. Through your gifts to ELCA World Hunger, families gain access to food, water, education and health care to help break the cycle of hunger and poverty for good. With more than 800 million of our neighbors around the world still hungry, our commitment to work for a world of justice where all are fed continues. And, we must not lose ground. Will you help us make a difference in even more lives today? Several generous friends have offered to match gifts to ELCA World Hunger. Give now through Dec. 31 and your gifts will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $75,000! As a church that rolls up our sleeves and gets to work, we are preparing to meet the needs of even more of our neighbors in the year ahead. Your gifts will help us grow in our work to support new and ongoing programs that can put an end to hunger for the long term. Double your impact! Help create lasting change with a gift today. The need is great, but hunger is a challenge that we can overcome as we work together. Thank you for joining us as we respond to God’s call to serve our neighbors near and far. In Christ’s service, The Rev. Daniel Rift |
P.S. Make sure to give before the 11:59 p.m. CST deadline on Dec. 31, and all gifts – up to $75,000 – will be matched, dollar-for-dollar. Gifts received before this deadline are also tax deductible as allowed by law for 2015.
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