Advent 2016


Advent begins on the weekend of November 26 and 27 where we will begin lighting candles for Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace as we prepare for Christ’s birth in our hearts and lives.  Advent mid-week worship will be on Wednesdays throughout Advent on the following days:  Nov. 30, Dec. 7, Dec. 14, and Dec. 21. 

Our Advent worship services will be different this year.  Instead of meeting upstairs in the sanctuary we will be participating in “Dinner Worship Services” where we will combine both worship and a meal with the homeless, Operation Warm Heart.  Operation Warm Heart usually arrives at the church at 6pm and we will begin worship and dinner shortly there after.  We will sing, pray, read scripture, and reflect over the course of a meal together. 

We will not have Bible Study during Advent this year.