Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, proclaims God’s love for all people without preconditions. We call this Grace. Jesus reveals God’s desire to reconcile all people to God and to one another, to bring relief to those who suffer, and to establish justice. He proclaims his message with words and deeds that transform people’s lives.
Jesus also calls disciples to participate in this mission of proclaiming God’s transforming love to the whole world, teaches them the Way that embodies God’s love, and sends them out to serve those in need. Just as he called the Twelve and many more in the first century, Jesus calls us today to Christian discipleship, creating communities that teach and embody the Way of Jesus through worship, service, and proclamation. You are invited to come walk in the Way of Jesus as part of this community of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Rahway.
Welcome to Zion! 
Zion is a worshiping community called and sent to be disciples of Jesus Christ, where the proclamation of God’s Grace is central to our mission. Here, we teach the Way of Jesus and encourage our members to embody the Way, sharing God’s love in our congregation, our families, our communities, and throughout the world.
Here, you can learn the Way of Jesus and grow in faith through:
- worship and devotions,
- Bible study,
- catechesis, and
- Sunday School.
You can embody the Way of Jesus through disciplines of prayer and offerings, through the fellowship of Christian community, and through the various serving ministries we sponsor or support, including:
- our ministry teams and committees,
- public advocacy campaigns for God’s peace and justice in our communities and the world,
- church sponsored appeals for disaster relief, community service, and global missions,
- sheltering the homeless through Operation Warm Heart, and
- feeding the hungry in partnership with Food For Friends.
Come join us for worship, learn the Way of Jesus, participate in our serving ministries, and share the fellowship of Christian community. We welcome you as Christ welcomed us!