The generous response to Operation Warm Heart has been amazing! To help us better coordinate volunteers and contributions of time, talent, and gifts, we have prepared an online sign-up sheet, and we ask all volunteers to please sign up online. If you have any questions, or are unable to use […]
Monthly Archives: January 2014

The January Z Cafe will be held on Saturday, January 25. Sign up starts at 7:00 PM This month’s Open Mic is hosted by Pat “SoulCat” Toner. $5.00 donation at the door includes light refreshments. Proceeds from this evening will benefit the Operation Warm Heart program. On behalf of Z […]
Z Cafe, Saturday, January 25, 2014

Confirmation classes normally meet on Wednesdays at 7:30pm. Check our Calendar for any schedule changes. The worksheet distributed on Jan 8, 2014 is due at our next class meeting on Jan 15, 2014.
Confirmation 1/8/14
God seeks a personal relationship based on love with all people. The apostle John knew what it meant to have this kind of relationship with God. He wrote, “Our fellowship is with the Father and with his son, Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3). God initiates that relationship with us through […]
Stewardship Reflection, January 9, 2014

Worship stands at the center of our life of faith. Through Word and Sacrament, we are nurtured in faith and sent to serve.
Serving at Worship
As New Testament Christians, we live under grace in response to the love Jesus has shown us by his sacrifice for our sins. We are no longer bound by the legalism of the Law. Christ, because his love for us, fulfilled the Law on our behalf (Romans 13:10). Through him, […]